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About the Author: Golf Swing


  1. LMFAO! The up north bigger divots things is not a joke! Literally launched an 18” beaver tail over my head this past weekend on a ~100yd wedge shot 😂😂😂

  2. “A divot is a sign you made good contact”, unless its not because you chili dipped 6 inches in front of ball. That might he one if the most misleading statements about golf i have heard in a very long time. My buddy takes a divot almost every time and rarely it starts after strike, always before, and rarely struck well.

    1. It’s implied handle past ball at contact), if not directly stated that the divot should be after contact with the ball
      No worries
      Best, Adam

    1. Jack made that quote when asked why he tees his ball so high when using a driver
      No worries
      Best, Adam

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