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If you battle with putting and never ever can find the practice it's probably time you get a putting green you can use in your home so you can dial in your stroke and speed control.
1- Range control has been the most significant improvement!
Wasn't anticipating this from indoor putting practice but it's easy to practice and the gains are noticeable.
Spent tons of time playing games of stopping the ball on particular targets and playing games against friends when they pop by to hang out
2– Having a video game is important vs just mindless putting.
Being able to have different targets and visuals is a GAME CHANGER
3/4– Understanding ranges is really useful.
Knowing what a 10 footer vs 6 footer is matters since expectations considerably change
4/4– Altering goal. and going from side-by-side a huge deal.
Love that it's not just always striking putts right down the middle and I can aesthetically alter the appearance of the put.
This keeps me out of mind numbing useless practice and keeps each shot looking various.