WE TAKE ON ST ANDREWS A DAY AFTER THE OPEN! Micah Morris & Seb On Golf & Peter Finch

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    1. Thanks for the feedback,
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    1. Blessings to Peter, Seb and Micah who we all across the pond respect not only for his golfing acumen but for his class, sportsmanship and humility. Kudos Micah from Richard in Cosby, east Tennessee. POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!

    2. Right on Micah, you make us all proud! Respect from Richard in Cosby, east Tennessee. POSITIVE VIBRATIONS!

    3. I’ve always seen everyone struggle so much playing links for the first time you showed some amazing skill in this vid tig!

  1. Can’t wait to see the Good Good guys and their content from this trip. Hope you can play some more with them, Pete, as I know they will be playing some with Rick.

    1. I hope your just trying to throw us off the trail. Garret and grant vs. you and Rick on the dialed series would be epic.

  2. Pete, Rick, Tig and Seb all in the same video, and at St. Andrews no less! Awesome video.

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  3. I went to see Top Gun: Maverick a few weeks ago. It was nearly as good as seeing Rick & Pete together again even if it was just a cameo

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  4. Love the collaborations and team effort. And love this style of “beat the winner” type videos. Lots of fun.

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  5. Hang on guys and gals, there’s gonna be a load of content coming from multiple channels. It’s going to be epic!!! Great videoπŸ‘

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    1. Thanks for the feedback,
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  6. Love the “across the pond” collaborations. There was even a cameo by Rick Shiels! Looking forward to more of these collaborations.

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  7. Such a great video! I have been waiting for a long time to see Micah and Pete in the same video, Seb being there as well was just the icing on the poverbial golf cake! The little cameo from Shiels was pure class! Hope I see more content with you two in it very, very soon!

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  8. I know from Ricks podcast that he was probably still drunk when he met you on the course and he certainly hasn’t had enough sleep! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Amazing content as usually Pete and I love that you had Seb and Micah along with you

    1. πŸ”Thanks for the feedback,
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  9. Super sad moment…

    I’ve watched a lot, and I mean a lot, of golf videos produced by Rick, Finchy, Seb and Good Good. But this is by far the best ive ever seen.

    The colabs, the golf, the course… The cameo from Rick. Perfect.

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  10. Ahh so nice to see a quick reminiscence of the finch/shiels banter. Long live the fox! 🦊

  11. This was awesome to see. The first time seeing Pete and Micha playing together! I do wish there was a bit more banter and more shots shown, it seemed a bit fast and glossed over?? YouTube legends

  12. What an awesome collab, this is literally the first footage I’ve seen of one of the good good boys playing in Scotland (go Tig) and even a sneaky appearance from Mr Rick S hahahaha love it

  13. Looks the nice weather was still holding on!! Awesome collaboration!! Looking forward to all the great footage and content!!

  14. Are you kidding me? Aside from the fact that it warms my heart, what you guys are doing is creating an Ambassador-ship for golfers worldwide!

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