I bought EVERY CLUB from my town’s charity shops…then played a match!

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I bought EVERY CLUB from my town’s charity shops…then played a match!

Golf Swing
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  1. Regardless of the outcome, you both deserve kudos for braving those conditions. Just a joy to watch, thanks so much!

  2. Just wanted to thank you Pete, your love of golf and the enjoyment you get from it. It’s made me pick up my clubs for the 1st time in 20 years and I’m loving it. Thank you mate. Love your work and your channel.

  3. Pete using a set of clubs worth less than a box of pro v 1’s and still plays well, just goes to show that lessons are better for your game than any shiny new club, 👍.

    1. Depends on the type of club. A new billy club can lower the number on your score card… If your opponent knows what’s good for them 👹

    2. Unless the shiny new clubs are such a large step up from your 25 yr old clubs they inspire you to take some lessons and start playing again! Played about 45 rounds last year after a 3 year lay off, became determined to learn the rotational golf swing this time around to eliminate lower back pain. Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?

  4. This is a brilliant video idea. Proper YouTube. I pop into my charity shops pretty much bi-weekly to pick up some bargain golf clubs and have a play with them. I either donate them back or chuck em on eBay for 99p bid 😅

  5. I’ve used a putter just like that one for a while. They’re called Spalding Cash In putters and came out in the 30s. As a player that goes mostly off feel, I seem to do better with those than more modern blades or mallet putters.

  6. Ah, the nostalgic sound of the that MacGregor Nicklaus Air Draw! Music to my ears 🤣
    I would, and I’m pretty sure others would, love to see the numbers from the GC4!
    Great fun guys, thank you!

  7. “It must be 30 mph but with the windchill it feels like -2…”. Glad to see that both Brits and Canadians use both metric and imperial in the same sentence 😁

  8. Brilliant vid guys, the conditions made it even funnier, I would actually play in these conditions usually on my own when my playing partners cry off😂👍

  9. Love the fun that comes across in this video. Just two guys trying to make the best out of awful conditions is a top vibe.

  10. So much fun, in such a horrible situation. LMAO, great golfing adventure. I mean, Wind, Rain, and Freezing weather, you guys had a smile the whole time. Such troopers. Kudo’s

  11. Kudos for going out in that weather, maybe skiing clothes might have been order of the day.
    Great to see Kieran out again.
    Good to see the charity shop challenge again, it shows you can play golf on the cheap.

  12. My first introduction to Kieran, enjoyed the banter. I played in similar conditions here in Oregon yesterday. Luckily I didn’t have cameras following me!

  13. Pete’s first chance to collect data on how far the clubs go and “there’s literally no point in me zapping it because I don’t know how far my clubs go” and after mentioning his opponents weakness “you just don’t plan ahead”. Brilliant.

  14. Pete, great content as ever! I just want to say that I’ve been using that ‘LCD’ driver for the past 10 years and on its day it can be an absolute beast! That being said, I do think it’s time for me to upgrade for something a little more forgiving. Love the video

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