Can We Shoot a COURSE RECORD 59 at this INSANE ANCIENT LINKS?! | Record Breakers | EP3

In this edition of Record Breakers, powered by Shot Scope, we handle Balcomie Hyperlinks, Crail Golfing Society. With a course record of 60, we'll have to be on 59-watch to take the title home!

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Can We Shoot a COURSE RECORD 59 at this INSANE ANCIENT LINKS?! | Record Breakers | EP3

Golf Swing
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About the Author: Golf Swing


    1. Same. The first couple had me smirking, then chuckling and then proper laughing by like the 10th

  1. This is becoming one of my favourite series. Up there with Break 75. Thanks Pete and Matt.

  2. After the golfbidder vids this current series is by far the best content you guys have done ✅

  3. Possibly the boldest content you’ll ever have,but I see you two as the new Cannon and Ball of golf world….Rock on you two and good to see the high fives are getting better ⛳

  4. Loving this series. Need a good bidder style video with fryer. Or… golf bidder two v two scramble with shiels and carter as well. The possibilities

  5. Grand fun guys. I like this series. Speaking of records, Pete, what is the record for breaking Stealth 2 drivers?😂

  6. Love this series and the courses look amazing. Shout to the fellas handling the cameras and editing. Poor Kieran will never speak about where the ball landed again! lol

  7. Do my eyes deceive me but that second put at the 10th… Touched the ball before the backstroke 😉.

    Loving the content!

  8. Love this. I would love to hear what the course and slope rating is for these courses when yall give the stats

  9. At the risk of repeating myself again ,”this is by far the best golf content on youtube”. Keep it going lads ,come to Ireland and break a few course records.

    Thanks again all involved for the entertainment, fantastic job.


  10. Omg! I’m going to Scotland golfing for the 1st time for my 30th birthday in a couple of weeks. Really hoping to play this course while I’m there!

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