Why Your Shaft Lean Isn’t Working | Pro’s Increase Spine & Amateurs Slide

Why Your Shaft Lean Isn't Working|Pro's Boost Spinal column & Amateurs Slide

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Why Your Shaft Lean Isn’t Working | Pro’s Increase Spine & Amateurs Slide

Golf Swing
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  1. My coach taught me the same drill. One thing that help is instead of using an alignment stick, my coach used a thin reflective driveway marker. It fits into the hole on the top of the grip, so you’re not awkwardly holding the club and alignment stick at the same time.

  2. Fantastic explanation of shaft lean, loft, how getting low leads to a longer, shallower low point, and how the grip affects the clubface at impact. Thank You!!

    I’ve struggled with flipping and controlling my wrist since I started golfing. I’ve worked on impact position, but my weak grip and lack of wrist control are working against me. I’m going to experiment with a stronger grip. Hopefully, it will make things a little easier and more consistent.

  3. @10:42 This just changed my life… I’m floored: “Pushing a Cart vs. Pulling a Cart”

    “The big point is I have to have my hands leading the way to have consistency in the face so if you had a push cart I know I’ve used this analogy a lot you’ve probably heard it if I have a push cart and I’m pushing behind it I’m constantly having to steer because the center of mass of the object is on on this side of where I’m applying force and I’m having to kind of guide it to keep it straight if I turn that around and I’m pulling that same cart I don’t have to do any steering I can walk in any direction since the center mass is trailing it just follows right along with me same thing in the golf swing with this trailing behind the hands it makes it more consistent also it makes it much easier to get that ball first Contact and then hit the ground after the ball”.

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