♂ ⛳ Improve your golf swing with these suggestions! See how opening up your hips can assist you strike the ideal shot #golf #golfswing #golftips #golfinstruction #hiprotation #shaftlean #swingtechnique #openhips #golfdrills #golflessons
This is how opening your hips will keep you in your posture and have you striking the ball solid!
Good stuff Clay! As an instructor myself, I tell students that 90%+ of their “full swing practice” should be chippy, punchy shots where contact/strike is king. I go one step farther and suggest that they try to play golf — maybe from the front tees — hitting nothing but these shots from tee to green. Almost everyone comes back and reports that not only did their strike improve dramatically, but that they’re amazed at how such a “little swing” goes almost the same distance as their “full swing”.
So simple and really works, thanks
Scottie would argue otherwise
Whatcha mean?