The #1 Reason You Don’t Stay Down Through Impact | So Easy To Fix

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The #1 Reason You Don't Stay Down Through Impact | So Easy To Fix

Golf Swing
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  1. That’s IT! ☝🏻
    When I see my swing on video, I am bent over TOO LOW at setup.

    I’m playing in an outing this afternoon and I’m going to focus on standing more upright at setup.

    This is great! 👊🏻
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you so much for this video. Now I know my legs are bending too much and that always made me feel something not right. You are so helpful.

  3. I have just tried this, and wow. thanks for this nugget. Wish I knew who you were!? I EE with the best of them, and at 67 not a simple fix as squatting into ball as most suggest. When I EE my right hip thrusts up and out towards ball, pushes hands out and into hosel shots! Augh. This seems to resolve that little issue. Thank you again for sharing this in a clear and concise manner.

  4. thank you, this adds to our understanding of the swing. I have been suffering from this lately, and you’re right it’s very frustrating. Will switch over to the premium account to get more great videos.

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