Notice how easy it feels to get your hands way in front when you’re doing this #shorts

Another excellent visual that makes this even easier is you take a little tea and you put it in the ground at an. And now what I wan na do is I'm gon na seem like with this club or now my new sledgehammer, I'm gon na imagine this is a railroad spike or a giant nail.

I'm gon na have my toe in my club seem like I'm gon na drive that into the ground. So you'll see there, depending upon the shape of your club, you may or may not have the ability to in fact do that. But you can see I just drove that right into the ground, that tee into there, it's actually not that tough to do once you get the feel of that ax instead of a club.

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Notice how easy it feels to get your hands way in front when you're doing this #shorts

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