How to Hit The Ball Then The Turf | Complete Guide

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  1. Thanks Q, excellent instruction as usual. ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ›ณ
    Happy New Year!๐ŸŽ‰

  2. Great video. I’ve struggled with this for years.
    Question: Which is better to make ball-then-turf contact: Rotation of body only with no hand action at impact? Both hand action and body rotation at impact? Or hand action only with no body rotation at impact?

  3. Had my worst round last week because I started hitting behind the ball for some reason. I kinda stopped thinking about my swing so much which made me do something different in my swing.

  4. When I started golfing I always knew to take practice swings and I would finally line up behind the ball with the ball exactly where I remember my club hitting the ground on the practice swing. It took a long time to break this habit. The low point is not where ball contact should occur

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