How LIV Golf Is CHANGING The PGA Tour Again..

How Is Altering The Trip Again.

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How LIV Golf Is CHANGING The PGA Tour Again..

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  1. Both sides want be winners, so what’s going to be the future, perhaps both might be clutching at straws.
    I don’t like it, it seems the pga tour did piss players off with faults.
    But liv is not playing for historical titals, they are just playing for money.
    One will win at the cost and I think the destruction of the other.
    Perhaps Greg Norman will have a monopoly of his own, boo

  2. PGA’s monopoly is threatened and they have capitalised on it for long by under paying players.

  3. This will open up marketing of all golf products. But they all will continue to gouge costs. Making it more and more difficult for the public participation and taking up the game. And sustainability playing the game.

  4. So the discussions and concerns about the Saudi involvement in golf is gone.
    The golf manufacturers are going to come around? Or are protests against LIV and live golfer cooperation and agreements are going to go away?

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